Do You Know Your Skin? Pt. 4 (Combination)
Combination skin incredibly common. Most people do not fit into just one category or skin type which results in a combination skin type. It may be quite difficult at times to find products that work for all elements of combination skin. If you haven't already, check out my part 1, 2, and 3 in the series where you can identify your skin and read about sensitive, oily, and dry skin types.
My personal skin type is oily to combination with moderate acne. Others may have dry to combination or normal to combination with or without acne, sebaceous filaments, rosacea, or sensitive areas. Justifying the specifics of your combination skin can help immensely when finding products for your skin care routine.
Something I've said in every post of this series is how important it is to moisturize and exfoliate, and combination skin is no different. Moisturizer and exfoliant will help all parts of of your face, it is just finding the right products and ingredients that work for each element of your combination skin.
Helpful products for Combination Skin:
- A gentle foaming cleanser xx (foaming cleansers are very gentle on the skin, yet clean deep)
- A pore-focused toner xx
- Serum catered for your specific skin xx

- Exfoliant xx
- Moisturizer/creams for combination skin xx

These are all products that I use and work really well for me. Combination skin is unique in that it needs more than other skin types, you can use many different serums, many different moisturizers and many different cleansers changing it up every so often for how your skin is feeling on each particular day.
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